About Me!!!

About me, a freelance writerMichele Perry is a freelance writer and researcher


This page is about me. It is dedicated to giving you a bit of an understanding of what makes me the person that I am.

I always loved to write.

One of my earliest memories of being a writer was during my elementary school years. I don't remember the grade I was in, but it seems it was either the second or third grade. The teacher wanted us to write a story and then read it to the class. I was always an awkward and shy child and my story was along the lines of the ugly duckling turning into a beautiful swan. The class LOVED my story. Five or six of my classmates asked if they could have a copy what I had written. I smile as I remember working so hard to copy that story over and over again! Oh, for want of a photocopier! I continue to put words onto paper. It's my addiction.

I grew up as a middle child in a family of girls.

My ever-suffering father was surrounded by women. I sometimes wonder how we made it through our endless teenage years. But he was always there with a word of encouragement and a gentle push. As was my mother, the stern disciplinarian. Yes, she was demanding, but now in retrospect, I see it was her way of making her children the strong women we are today.

Michele Perry with sisters, 1961 Panama Canal Zone

December 1961, Panama

As a military family, we moved every couple of years. This was a hardship of sorts but also took the family to new and interesting places.  I can say I've lived a stone's throw from the Panama jungle and in an apartment overlooking cow-pastures and amethyst mines. I learned bits and pieces of Spanish and German but never enough to be really useful. Stateside homes have been in the southeastern and mid-Atlantic states.

Times were financially tight in those childhood years, but we somehow made it through. Isn't it strange how when you never had something you didn't know you were missing it. Of course, society was not as materialistic as it sometimes seems today. 

I spread my wings and set out to explore the world.

I can include a short stint in the National Guard and writing code in the infant years of the computer age as some of my early experience. I zigged when I should have zagged and ended up in the office or administrative side of things in my work career.

Somewhere along life's winding path, I picked up some useful skills that have served me well.

I'm semi-retired now, living with my husband and our cats in our little piece of paradise along the Gulf Coast.

Freelance, work from home summer office

     {My Outdoor Office}

Now, I fill my days as a freelance writer.

It allows me to work on my own schedule and earn a little something. I am available to work Monday-Saturday each week. My working hours are between 7 am and 4 pm (-5UTC). I'm not saying that I want to work ALL those hours, only that I'm available during those hours.

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