Goal Setting For Beginners

Goal Setting For Beginners

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  • Adult Education
  • Goal Setting
  • Course
  • Training
  • Assessment
  • Goal : What you are trying to achieve, an aim or a hoped for result
  • Business Plan : A written document that outlines a company’s goal and provides financial, operational, and financial direction in accomplishment of the goal.
  • Mission Statement : A written descriptive document outlining the personality of a company and includes their goals and values.
  • Short-term Goal : An achievement which can be accomplished relatively quickly with concerted effort.
  • Long-term Goal : An achievement which requires concerted effort over an extended period of time to achieve the aim.
  • Milestone : A marker or designated point of progress in a project.
  • Analysis : A review or examination to determine progress.
  • Roadblock : Items that can get in the way of reaching your goal
  • Brainstorm : Creating a list of ideas and thoughts related to your current status and your future goal
  • Milestone : A point or event that divides a project into segments

Overall rating

Number of raters: 1
Average: 5


Number of raters: 1
Average: 4