Bartender’s Guide – Glassware

Bartender’s Guide – Glassware

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  • Adult Education
  • Course
  • Bartender
  • Alcohol
  • Glassware
  • Micro-Course
  • mixology : The art or skill of preparing mixed drinks, mixologist a person skilled at mixing drinks
  • Mug : A large drinking vessel, typically cylindrical and with a handle and used without a saucer.
  • Stein : Variation of a mug, made of stoneware with a hinged lid. Used for drinking beer.
  • Pilsner : Tall, slender glass used for drinking beer.
  • Pint : A beer glass that holds about 16 ounces.
  • Snifter : A large bowled glass used for drinking aromatic alcohols such as brandy, cognac, and strong ale.
  • Flute : Tall slightly tapered glass used for drinking champagne, sparkling wines, and light ales or beer.
  • Aperitif : dry alcoholic drinks served before a meal
  • Digestif : usually bitter or sweet served after a meal to encourage digestion
  • Muddle : A bar tool used to crush ingredients and release flavors.

Overall rating

Number of raters: 1
Average: 5
Number of raters: 1
Average: 3